It's been a while since we last had a Star Wars installment. With the War on Insulin raging out there, it seemed a good time to re-address the FIRKO mouse in this series. You gotta admire the tireless efforts of TWICHOOB's in rescuing a hypothesis. It's a brave face to herald an Insurgency while one's hypothesis is circling the drain.
There are a number of IRKO mice -- Insulin Receptor Knock Out. There's FIRKO (Fat), LIRKO (Liver), MIRKO (Muscle), NIRKO (Brain). Interestingly enough, two of these (M&F) are consistent with and seem to support TWICHOO, while the other two (L&N) present serious stumbling blocks (in the case of LIRKO, pretty much fatal for the hypothesis). Allow me to introduce our characters for today's saga, C5L2KO and Kit FIRKO.