Alternate Title: Picture Worth More Than 1000 Words. In speeches and interviews lately, Jimmy Moore has become fond of mentioning a few things (well, in addition to name dropping Robb Wolf)
- Nutritional Ketosis as being somehow unique from run-of-the-mill, what, biochemical ketosis. NK requires blood ketone testing as this is more accurate. And,
- Ketosis is evidence of burning body fat which he wasn't doing prior to this experiment.
- Ketones and blood glucose being reciprocal
Tis true that measuring blood ketone levels is more accurate than urine ketones. For one thing, urine levels vary widely with fluid intake, frequency of urination, etc. Urine ketones are also "spill-over". This is why nobody is ever busted for DUI on the basis of a urine test. But just because urine levels are not necessarily representative of one's ketogenic production doesn't mean a person is, or is not, in NuttyK. But let's presume that to be truly NuttyK one must also be a prick-er.
On the right sidebar are Jimmy's NuttyK experiment results from Days 180-209. Top to bottom we have AM glucose, AM ketones, PM ketones, and body weight. Do YOU notice any correlation? Here's what I see: