Warung Bebas

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Panduan Gerakan Senam Hamil Secara Detail

Panduan Gerakan Senam Hamil tentu bertujuan untuk menjaga kebugaran selama hamil dan melatih kesiapan
fisik dan mental calon ibu saat proses persalinan. Senam hamil bisa dimulai
saat usia kehamilan memasuki usia 28-30 minggu. Senam kehamilan juga mempunyai
manfaat untuk melatih teknik pernapasan saat menghadapi persalinan, Memperkuat
elastisitas otot-otot persalinan, Relaksasi, Mengatasi

8 Alasan Mengapa Harus Berasuransi

Asuransi bukanlah menjadi hal yang asing lagi, bahkan dikota-kota besar program asuransi terbaik sudah menjadi gaya hidup, seiring berkembangnya zaman pemikiran-pemikiran yang cerdas akan persiapan masa depan sangat mempengaruhi angka minat dalam berasuransi yang semakin meningkat.

Sebagian diantara kita mungkin masih ada yang menolak untuk mengikuti program asuransi terbaik dengan berbagai alasan atau mungkin minimnya pengetahuan tentang asuransi. Siapapun anda tentunya tak bisa lepas dari kemungkinan bahwa dalam menjalani hidup ini besar ataupun kecil pasti beresiko, itu adalah salah satu sebab mengapa anda harus berasuransi dan berikut telah terangkum menjadi 8 alasan mengapa harus berasuransi :
  1. Layanan medis yang mahal
    Setiap pasien diruang IGD pasti dilayani namun walaupun demikian tak jarang pasien yang sulit diterima lantaran tak memiliki jaminan asuransi
  2. Sebelum anda terlambat
    Ya, sebelum anda terlambat karna sudah mengidap penyakit yang serius, jika sudah terjadi biasanya akan lebih sulit lagi untuk memiliki asuransi kalaupun bisa biasanya anda harus membayar premi lebih mahal.
  3. Pilihan rumah sakit
    Memiliki asuransi dapat membuat anda memiliki pilihan yang lebih banyak mengenai rumah sakit, karna pada umumnya rumah sakit menerima pasien yang berasuransi tapi tidak semua rumah sakit yang bisa menerima pasien yang tidak berasuransi.
  4. Diprioritaskan
    Pasien yang memiliki asuransi kadang lebih diprioritaskan dalam hal bedah dan sebagainya.
  5. Tak perlu khawatir
    Kebanyakan orang yang akan menanggung resiko sakit, kecelakaan atau kematian sekalipun cenderung lebih khawatir lantaran iya harus membayar biaya medis namun rasa khawatir ini takan anda temui pada orang yang sudah mempersiapkan segalanya sejak dini untuk berasuransi.
  6. Memiliki kesempatan lebih banyak
    Karna dengan pelayanan medis yang baik akan lebih besar kemungkinan bertahan dari cidera kecelakaan atau penyakit yang anda derita.
  7. Resiko yang lebih rendah
    Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di poin-poin sebelumnya orang yang berasuransi biasanya juga akan sering mengontrol kesehatannya.
  8. Sadar akan kesehatan
    Orang-orang yang sudah tergabung dalam program asuransi terbaik ialah orang-orang yang paham mengenai resiko hidup terutama dari segi kesehatan, secara otomatis mereka akan lebih sadar betapa pentingnya kesehatan untuk menjalani hidup yang lebih optimal.



"Let food be thy medicine."

                                             ---- Hippocrates

In a recent talk to employees of a large nonprofit organization, I asked participants to write down one thing they would like to change about their health. 

Can you guess what the overwhelming answer was?  It was “lose weight”.  In one hour, I taught these employees, from the CEO down to the truck drivers, five specific ways to start making changes to put them on the path to healthier weights and better health.  

With two in three adults in the United States overweight and obese, it seems to me that solutions to the childhood obesity epidemic must begin with raising the health literacy of adults.  There is no question in my mind as to why we have a health crisis in this country. 

Here’s my challenge to you:  help me identify three organizations in the southeast U.S. (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama) where at least half of the employees are overweight and obese and the employees want to get to healthier weights.   Growing Healthy Kids, Inc. is looking for companies who want healthier and more productive employees.  These three organizations will work with me over 90 days.  As your virtual Chief Wellness Officer, I promise to improve the health literacy of your employees, improve your productivity, get your employees to healthier weights, AND lower your absenteeism. 

Growing Healthy Kids, Inc. is a movement to provide leadership and solutions to the childhood obesity epidemic in the United States and beyond.  Without the commitment of America’s businesses, local governmental units, and organizations, kids don’t stand a chance of growing up healthy and free of obesity-related diseases.  

With the commitment of businesses, government employees, and local organizations, our kids DO have a great chance of being growing healthy kids and adults.  

As adults, we are the role models for the children in our communities.  If they see us drinking sodas and energy drinks loaded with sugar every day, then they think it is OK to drink a soda and think nothing of stopping by the local 7-11 to buy a Monster energy drink or a Coke on the way to school.  We are our children’s teachers.  Do we want our children to grow up to be obese adults with old people's diseases because we didn’t dare to care about how much sugar they are eating every day in their school lunches or in their afterschool programs with snacks supplied by the school district?  Do we want our children to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when they are 17 years old and suffer from the amputation of a foot or the loss of their vision when they are in their twenties and we bought honeybuns for them to eat for breakfast every day because it was convenient for us? 

If your organization is willing to accept my 90 day challenge and be part of the solution to the OBESITY EPIDEMIC, then shoot me an email at: growinghealthykidsnow@gmail.com.  Get ready to lead your community’s wellness challenge! I’m ready.  The question is, are you ready?

Growing Healthy Kids, Inc. is a movement dedicated to improving the health - and lives – of America’s children with a laser focus on halting, reversing, and preventing childhood obesity.

In gratitude,
Nancy Heinrich

Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.

Daily Blog #38: Web 2.0 Forensics Part 3

Hello Reader,
        This post is a bit late in the day but that happens sometimes when you are onsite and can't sneak away for some blog writing. In the last two posts we've discussed where to find JSON/AJAX fragments and how Gmail stores message data within them. Today we will discuss how these artifacts are created and what you can and cannot recover from them.

What you can recover
Much like other web artifacts we can only recover what was sent by the server and viewed by the custodian. This includes:

  • the content of emails read
  • the names of contents of attachments accessed
  • what was contained on each mailbox folder viewed (such as the inbox, sent, saved)
    • For some webmail clients (such as gmail) you can also see the a preview of the email messages contained in the mailbox even if they did not read them as the data is precached.
    • Whether the message had been read
    • If the message had an attachment
  • a list of all the mailbox folders the custodian had in use
  • contacts
  • for gmail specifically google talk participants 
  • for gmail specifically a list of all the circles they are in.

What you can't recover
If the data was never sent from the server and viewed it won't be in cached form anywhere except live memory. The list of things you can't recover includes:

  • The text of emails sent from the custodian unless they viewed a preview of the message, checked their sent mail or read a reply to the message. 
  • The content of attachments sent via email, though you can match up the file by name to files on their system as the attachment successful method will be sent from the server to the browser.
  • The full contents of mail folders if all the pages containing messages were not viewed
  • The contents of all webmail read, over time the data will be overwritten in the pagefile and the shadow copies will expire as well as the hiberfil will be overwritten on the next hibernation.

The examples i'm showing here are for webmail, there are other ajax/json services out there (facebook, twitter, etc..) that are popular. I'm focusing on webmail because in my line of work its a popular method for exfiltration of data and discussing plans that they don't want saved in company email. I will see about expanding the series to other types of web 2.0 applications likey after my html 5 offline caching research with Blazer Catzen is complete.

Tomorrow we continue the web 2.0 forensic series, hopefully with an earlier posting time.

Pfizer's Umpteenth Settlement (for $491 Million Plus a Guilty Plea), but No Person Held Responsible

The world's largest research based pharmaceutical company was in court again, as reported by the New York Times,

 The drug maker Pfizer agreed to pay $491 million to settle criminal and civil charges over the illegal marketing of the kidney-transplant drug Rapamune, the Justice Department announced on Tuesday

In particular,

 The recent case centers on the practices of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, which Pfizer acquired in 2009.

Rapamune, which prevents the body’s immune system from rejecting a transplanted organ, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1999 for use in patients receiving a kidney transplant. However, federal officials said Wyeth aggressively promoted the drug for use in patients receiving other organ transplants, even offering financial incentives to its sales force to do so.

Accusations of Wyeth’s practices became public in 2010 after a whistle-blower lawsuit filed by two former employees was unsealed.

After lawmakers announced a Congressional inquiry, the Justice Department opted to join the lawsuit. The settlement announced Tuesday, which also resolves a second, similar whistle-blower suit, includes a criminal fine and forfeiture of $233.5 million, and a civil settlement of $257.4 million with the federal government, all 50 states and the District of Columbia. 

The case did not get much media coverage.  So far, the only other somewhat detailed article on it was put out by Bloomberg.   In fact, the lawyer for two of the whistle-blowers who alerted federal authorities to what Wyeth was doing had to say

the spate of pharmaceutical settlements in recent years had blunted reaction to what he said were shameful practices. 'Everybody’s been asking me why this case is different than any other,' he said. 'We used to trust these companies. You can’t trust these companies anymore.'

However, we should not be too blase.  This case was not only about money.  The over-promotion of a potentially dangerous drug likely lead to patients being harmed in the absence of any benefits.  Rapamune suppresses the immune system and increases risks of serious infections and malignancy.  Specific serious adverse events have been reported when it is used in transplants of organs other than the kidney (e.g., lung and liver transplants).  (See full prescribing information here.)  Bloomberg reported that 90% of Wyeth's revenues from Rapamune came from off-label uses, suggesting that quite a few people may have been adversely affected by its excess use. 

As in most other members of the march of legal settlements by big health care organizations, this case involved no negative consequences for anybody who authorized, directed, or implemented the improper marketing practices.  While such people must have existed, they were not even named in the press coverage.  At least this settlement involved a guilty plea to a crime, albeit a misdemeanor (misbranding as reported by Bloomberg), so the company did have to admit some wrongdoing.  

A Pfizer manager, however, tried to disavow responsibility, as noted by Bloomberg,

'Pfizer was not a subject or target of this matter, and cooperated fully with the government from the time it learned of this investigation in October 2009,' Chris Loder, a Pfizer spokesman,...

But Pfizer had purchased Wyeth, and in doing so got not only assets and profits, but responsibility for actions.

Also, neither the settlement nor the criminal plea seemed to take into account Pfizer's amazingly sorry recent track record.  I am losing count of all of Pfizer's settlements and/or guilty plea or convictions since 2000.  (The updated list of previous legal results is in the Appendix.)  

People found guilty of small-time Medicaid or Medicare fraud often forfeit all their assets and go to jail.  Yet actions by large pharmaceutical companies that may harm patients and cost many millions of dollars almost never result in any individual facing any negative consequences, or even being named and shamed.  Meanwhile, the managers of these companies may make gargantuan amounts of money partially rationalized by the revenues produced by such recurrent misbehavior.  In 2012, according to the company's 2013 proxy filing, Pfizer CEO Ian Reed's total compensation was  $25,634,136, and the four next most highly paid executives all made more than $5,000,000

So the Kabuki play that is regulation of and law enforcement for large health care organizations goes on.  As our society is being increasingly divided into a huge majority in increasingly difficult economic circumstances and a small and  increasingly rich minority, it also seems to be increasingly divided into little people who may be ruined by lawsuits, and imprisoned for even minor infractions, and big people who have impunity.  

True health care reform would need to start by making leaders of big health care organizations accountable for their organizations' misbehavior. 

APPENDIX - Pfizer's Settlements

In the beginning of the 21st century, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Pfizer made three major settlements,
October 2002: Pfizer and subsidiaries Warner-Lambert and Parke-Davis agreed to pay $49 million to settle allegations that the company fraudulently avoided paying fully rebates owed to the state and federal governments under the national Medicaid Rebate program for the cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor.
May 2004: Pfizer agreed to pay $430 million to settle DOJ claims involving the off-label promotion of the epilepsy drug Neurontin by subsidiary Warner-Lambert. The promotions included flying doctors to lavish resorts and paying them hefty speakers' fees to tout the drug. The company said the activity took place years before it bought Warner-Lambert in 2000.
April 2007: Pfizer agreed to pay $34.7 million in fines to settle Department of Justice allegations that it improperly promoted the human growth hormone product Genotropin. The drugmaker's Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. subsidiary pleaded guilty to offering a kickback to a pharmacy-benefits manager to sell more of the drug.

Thereafter, Pfizer paid a $2.3 billion settlement in 2009 of civil and criminal allegations and a Pfizer subsidiary entered a guilty plea to charges it violated federal law regarding its marketing of Bextra (see post here). 
 Pfizer was involved in two other major cases from then to early 2010, including one in which a jury found the company guilty of violating the RICO (racketeer-influenced corrupt organization) statute (see post here).  
The company was listed as one of the pharmaceutical "big four" companies in terms of defrauding the government (see post here).  
Pfizer's Pharmacia subsidiary settled allegations that it inflated drugs costs paid by New York in early 2011 (see post here).   
In March, 2011, a settlement was announced in a long-running class action case which involved allegations that another Pfizer subsidiary had exposed many people to asbestos (see this story in Bloomberg).  
In October, 2011, Pfizer settled allegations that it illegally marketed bladder control drug Detrol (see this post). 
In August, 2012, Pfizer settled allegations that its subsidiaries bribed foreign (that is, with respect to the US) government officials, including government-employed doctors (see this post).
In December, 2012, Pfizer settled federal charges that its Wyeth subsidiary deceptively marketed the proton pump inhibitor drug Protonix, using systematic efforts to deceive approved by top management, and settled charges by multiple states' Attorneys' General that it deceptively marketed Zyvox and Lyrica (see this post).  
 In January, 2013, Pfizer settled Texas charges that it had misreported information to and over-billed Medicaid (see this post). 

Artikel Tentang Kesehatan

Artikel Tentang Kesehatan adalah artikel atau tulisan yang mebahas mengenai kesehatan. Artikel kesehatan yang banyak daicari membuktikan bahwa masyarakat muali sadar untuk menjaga kesehatannya. Nah, berikut adalah contoh artikel kesehatan tentang dampak negatif rasa marah terhadap kesehatan.

Kesehatan bukanlah sebatas kesehatan tubuh. Karena kesehatan emosional merupakan salah satu antara

Open scientific discourse ...

I'd like to respond to this e-mail and clarify your understanding of the science, but I'd like to do it privately to you. If you promise that's the case, then I will respond. If you then argue persuasively that there is a good reason why your readers would benefit from reading my e-mail, I will agree but I reserve the right to decide what's persuasive or not and what's a good reason.
Memories .... 


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Patients as lab rats for beta software: have sancrosanct patient's rights been trivialized, while poor software of non-trivial risk been sanctified?

I have noted a class action lawsuit vs. Allscripts and Eclipsys, EHR producers, regarding a merger:


The Lead Plaintiffs' Amended Complaint is available here in PDF:  http://securities.stanford.edu/1048/MDRX00_01/2013515_r02c_12CV03297.pdf.  It is worth reading, if just to understand the inner workings of an unregulated healthcare device industry on which your well-being and that of your family increasingly depends.

Lead Plaintiffs' Amended Complaint, available here in PDF:  http://securities.stanford.edu/1048/MDRX00_01/2013515_r02c_12CV03297.pdf

The lawsuit is primarily about alleged misrepresentations made to investors by Allscripts and Eclipsys in a merger regarding inability to integrate products, leadership chaos, and materially false and misleading statements and omissions made during the Class period by these companies about their progress.

I note that in a chaotic environment such as alleged, product safety is not likely a big concern.

However, even more ominous are the allegations of deliberate use of beta software on patients without informed consent or any knowledge by patients whatsoever of its use, which apparently did not work out well.  Not indicated is if patient harm occurred.  If the allegations are true, considering the ECRI Deep Dive health IT risk study results of nearly 200 health IT "incidents" in 36 hospitals over 9 weeks voluntarily reported, including 8 harm incidents and 3 possible deaths - see http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2013/02/peering-underneath-icebergs-water-level.html it would not be surprising.

From the Complaint, allegations on software beta testing are as follows.  Emphases mine:

41. CW1 [coded person's name - ed.] explained the different interface integration systems as native integration, disparate integration, and High Level 7 “HL7” interface. The goal of native integration was to have the ability to update patient information throughout the Allscripts’ software offerings. This would allow Allscripts’ Sunrise products to seamlessly integrate with Allscripts’ Enterprise, Professional and MyWay products and allow the products to update patient health records without the use of industry standardized codes. Allscripts branded its native software as ADX. [see Complaint footnote 2.] CW1 described disparate integration as allowing Allscripts software to interface with non-Allscripts software which he described as a Health Information Exchange (“HIE”) software that allowed data to be read and
updated from different software vendors.

42. CW1 said ADX 1.0 was designed to pull and update patient electronic health records automatically and was Allscripts’ native integration software. In approximately July 2011, he learned that Allscripts began a complete reworking of ADX 1.0 because customers were complaining about the lack of functionality and integration, and that it did not allow the user to review and approve changes made in other healthcare settings before being accepted by the hospital or physician practice systems. [If the allegations are true, these problems would be creating on its face significant risk of oversights, confusion and medical errors  - ed.] The upgrade was going to be known as ADX 1.5, but the method and interface for data integration changed. In particular, the interface was changed to allow clinicians to approve changes before they were entered into the system. He also learned from other Allscripts employees that ADX 1.0 was being beta tested [see Complaint footnote 3] at Blessing Hospital in Quincy, Illinois and another place he could not recall, but it was suspended in approximately the middle of 2011 because it failed to perform to expectations. [see Complaint footnote 4] [Remarkable - if the allegations are true, experimental software was being beta tested on live patients and was stopped because it did not "perform to expectations" - and what of the unconsenting meatbags a.k.a. patients it was purportedly tested on? - ed.]

Complaint footnotes:

[2] CW1 described the HL7 interface as using industry standardized codes or language to allow users of disparate software systems to update patients electronic health records.

[3] In software development, “beta testing” generally refers to a testing phase in which a subset of the intended user population tries the product out, in order to see how the product works in real-world conditions.  [What sane patient would consent to such testing of medical IT involved in their care, to 'see how it works in real-world conditions'? - ed.]

[4] See also ¶158 (Defendant Davis’ May 8, 2012 statement “our initial release of our integrated capability...was launched in the middle of last year”); ¶189; cf. ¶76 (CW11’s statement that beta testing at Blessing occurred in late 2011 and was halted in Spring 2012);

Again, I find the allegations of great concern - that experimental software was being beta tested on live patients and was stopped because it did not "perform to expectations."  If true, what of the unconsenting meatbags a.k.a. patients?  They would not have counted for much.

More from the Complaint in Count 50:

50. Consistent with CW2, CW3 said the Helios system was never taken to production while he worked at Allscripts. After he left to join Medicity he had heard that Allscripts delivered a Helios type product for beta testing in the fall of 2011 at the New York Presbyterian Hospitals and it did not go well and that the beta testing of the Helios product at the North Shore Long Island Jewish Community Hospital was scratched prior to implementation.

If the allegations are true, New York Presbyterian Hospitals in the fall of 2011 were performing beta testing of software so bad it was deemed unacceptable for LIJ Community Hospital.  Again, if true, what about the risks patients were subjected to, and ... were any harmed?

Still more in Count 76:

76. CW11 said that Blessing Hospital in Quincy, Illinois was beta testing ADX 1.0 sometime in late 2011, but could not recall specifically when it began. CW11 said he was told that the testing was stopped in early 2012 because the product was not working properly and Allscripts deployed a product development team to Blessing Hospital to develop a workflow which lead to ADX 1.5. As far as CW11 knew, no one went live on ADX 1.0. Blessing Hospital began testing ADX 1.5 in late Spring 2012, and was the first to go live using ADX 1.5 in July 2012 which allowed the integration of patient information seamlessly between Sunrise and Enterprise applications. Components of Helios went into ADX 1.5. ADX 1.5 allowed for integration of patient data relating to PAMI (problems, allergies, medications, and immunizations) but some competitor products allow for significantly more types of data to be seamlessly exchanged and Allscripts was working to increase the types of data that could be seamlessly exchanged between acute care and ambulatory applications.

In effect, if the allegations are true, sancrosanct patient's rights have been trivialized, while poor software of non-trivial risk has been sanctified.

This would be, needless to say, deranged.  Software can be debugged in test environments without putting patients at risk - if one is willing to invest the resources to do so.

The Class Action lawsuit Plaintiffs should perhaps seek to discover if there were patient harms or deaths as a result of the alleged software beta testing - assuming that information was not thoroughly "cleansed" by now.

I also note that even small NIH SBIR/STTR grant proposals involving use of new or modified IT on patients, on whose study sections I am an invited reviewer in the domain of Medical Informatics, are subject to human subjects protection evaluation:


... Protections for Human Subjects. For research that involves human subjects but does not involve one of the six categories of research that are exempt under 45 CFR Part 46 [see http://www.research.uci.edu/ora/forms/hrpp/categories_of_exempt_human_subjects_research.pdf - ed.], the [grant review] committee will evaluate the justification for involvement of human subjects and the proposed protections from research risk relating to their participation according to the following five review criteria: 1) risk to subjects, 2) adequacy of protection against risks, 3) potential benefits to the subjects and others, 4) importance of the knowledge to be gained, and 5) data and safety monitoring for clinical trials.

In health IT tests in hospital settings, which is most certainly experimentation, there are simply no human subjects protections whatsoever.  Hospital IT deserves no special accommodation regarding Protections for Human Subjects.  There are no justifiable reasons I can think of. 

-- SS

Addendum:  Perhaps I'm wrong about people's generosity and altruism.  I would like to hear from people who would gladly submit, say, their newborns as test subjects for the beta testing of experimental health IT software.

Resep dan Cara Membuat Pudding Buah Campur

Resep Cara membuat pudding buah campur mudah dan praktis. HMM jika mendengar kata pudding pasti yang terlintas dipikiran kita adalah nyamiii, enak, lezat dan maknyosss hehehe. Makanan yang satu ini biasanya menjadi salah satu hidangan yang disuguhkan untuk acara penutup makan-makan.
Cara Membuat Pudding Buah
Resep dan Cara Membuat Pudding Buah Campur
Puding umumnya dibuat dari bahan utama agar-agar dengan campuran buah-buahan, susu dan bahan-bahan lainnya, cara pembuatan makanan yang satu ini umumnya dibuat dengan cara di rebus kemudian dimasukan kedalam cetakatan (hampir sama dengan membuat agar-agar)

Sebenarnya didalam dunia kuliner, pudding memiliki banyak farian pilihan rasa dan cara penyajiannya, namun kali ini saya akan mencoba mengulas cara membuat pudding buah campur, sehingga hasil dari makanan ini lebih berwarna namun tetap sehat untuk dikonsumsi.

Nah tak usah panjang lebar,langsung saja masuk kepembahasan utama yaitu tentang cara membuat pudding buah campur dan berikut beberapa langkah yang harus anda kerjakan untuk membuatnnya:

Bahan-bahan yang harus anda persiapkan terlebih dahulu :
  • Air putih bersih sekitar 500 mililiter
  • Agar-agar putih dan Agar-agar HIJAU masing-masing satu kemasan
  • Gula pasir 200 gram (pisah menjadi 2 bagian)
  • Penambah rasa ( vanili 1 sdt)
  • Susu cair 500 mililiter
  • Perasa buah-buahan esens stroberi, jika tidak suka dengan rasa ini boleh diganti dengan rasa buah lainnya, siapkan secukupnya.
  • Buah kalengan 300 gram, kemudian tiriskan buah dari airnya ( jika anda ingin lebih sehat gunakan buah-buahan segar dan potong kecil-kecil sesuai selera anda)
Cara Membuat Pudingnya :
  • Siapkan Loyang cetakan pudding yang sudah dibersihkan terlebih dahulu dan dibasahi dengan sedikit air.
  • Masak menjadi satu antara agar-agar (pilih satu jenis saja baik merah atau putih) kedalam air, kemudian masukan gula pasir, penambah rasa vanili, buah kalengan, dan aduk semua bahan hingga tercampur rata, (masak hingga mendidih yahh)
  • Angkat bahan  yang sudah mendidih dan masukan kedalam Loyang atau cetakan pudding sekitar setengah cetakan dan biarkan bahan membeku. Sisihkan puding ini terlebih dahulu.
  • Langkah selanjutnya masak gula pasir, susu cair, sisa agar-agar, sampai mendidih kemudian angkat dan tambahkan perasa buah esens stroberi aduk sampai merata.
  • Tuangkan keatas pudding buah yang sudah membeku dan simpan pudding didalam lemari pendingin (freezer) sampai pudding membeku.
  • Angkat pudding, tara puding siap untuk anda sajikan.
Itulah sedikit tips dan resep untuk membuat puding buah mudah bukan??? jika iya selamat mencoba, semoga berhasil, jika ada salah penulisan mohon maaaf. Baca juga resep makanan lainnya, resep cara membuat donat, dan resep cara membuat bolu kukus pelangi.

Makanan Bayi Sehat

Makanan Bayi Sehat - Bayi membutuhkan nutrisi serta kalori
tambahan sebagai pendukung bagi tumbuh dan kembangnya. Walaupun demikian, tetap
saja kalori yang masuk serta kalori yang keluar haruslah seimbang. Berikut adalah tips dalam memberikan makanan bayi sehat.

Latihlah kepekaan rasa bayi. Bila bayi dibiasakan makan yang sehat, maka pola tersebut akan
terbawa hingga kedepannya. Oleh

Blogger Kediri yang Paling Ganteng

Blogger Kediri yang Paling Ganteng - Salam kenal semua dari saya Anak Kediri, jika sobat dari Komunitas Blogger Kediri dan menemukan artikel iseng ini yang mungkin bisa masuk page satu google atau tidak saya pun juga tak tahu :D. Sekedar iseng saja saya ingin mencoba untuk mengundang anak kediri masuk menuju blog saya dan syukur syukur kalau mau jadi teman saya :D.

Tentang saya dan Inilah wajah

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Makanan Sehat Bayi

Makanan Sehat Bayi - Makanan sehat untuk bayi tentunya berbeda dengan orang dewasa. Makanan yang sehat bagi orang dewasa belum tentu cocok sebagai makanan bayi karena bayi mempunyai perut yang masih kecil serta masih belum terlalu kuat. Tiap makanan yang masuk ke perut bayi haruslah diatur dengan baik. Ada hal-hal yang perlu untuk dipertimbangkan saat Ibu menyiapkan serta mengatur makanan sehat

Gangguan Kesehatan saat Puasa Ramadhan

GangguanKesehatan saat Puasa biasanya terjadi karena ketidaksiapan tubuh dengan pola
hidup yang berbeda ketika bulan Ramadhan. Namun sebenarnya puasa adalah salah
satu ibadah yang menyehatkan badan. Hal ini bisa dibuktikan dengan berkurangnya
jumlah pasien di klinik pengobatan atau rumah sakit. Sedangkan Gangguan
Kesehatan saat Puasa juga bisa terjadi pada orang-orang tertentu dikarenakan

Bayi Sehat

Bayi Sehat
- Memiliki bayi sehat tentu adalah dambaan setiap Ibu, tidak hanya saat
dia sudah lahir, naumn juga saat Ia masih di dlama kandungan.
Memastikan bayi dalam kandungan dalam keadaan sehat adalah hal yang
ingin dilakukan oleh setiap Ibu hamil. Bayi yang biasanya suka menendang
dalam rahim Ibu memang dapat menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman
pada ibu hamil. Akan tetapi, gerakan bayi

Guest Post: Incompetent Management Breeds Demoralized Physicians

Health Care Renewal presents a guest post by Dr Howard Brody, John P McGovern Centennial Chair of Family Medicine, Director of the Institute for Medical Humanities at University of Texas - Medical Branch at Galveston, and blogger at Hooked: Ethics, Medicine and Pharma

Danielle Ofri, a prominent internist/author at Bellevue in New York, started a recent op-ed piece, “Last week I was ready to quit medicine."

She described an encounter most physicians can relate to—a 15-minute appointment slot, a new patient who spoke only Bengali, a long and complicated problem list, a bag containing 18 different medicines, two forms that had to be filled out by the doctor on this day’s visit, and a computer that froze while she was trying to keep up with the electronic charting. She described how, 45 minutes into the supposedly 15-minute visit, she had a phone in one ear with the Bengali translator and tech support on hold in the other ear.

Ofri’s plaint caught my attention because I had recently put up a guest post on Health Care Renewal about another highly skilled, caring physician who was seriously considering quitting practice. This led me to write a column for some of our local newspapers about demoralized doctors

In the space allowed in an op-ed column, you can’t go into great depth in analyzing a complicated situation. So here’s what I would have wanted to say.

We can list all the management failures that this encounter represents. I won’t even start with the electronic record as that’s such a frequent theme in this blog. Who scheduled such a patient for a 15-minute visit? Where is the pharmacist who could have done a better job of going through all the lady’s medicines? Where is the staffer who could have filled out the forms for Dr. Ofri to sign? This is just to scratch the surface.

There are two things worrisome about this long list of management failures. If the goal of the health care system is actually to take good care of patients, then it seems obvious that Dr. Ofri, who wanted to try to provide high-quality care, had roadblock after roadblock thrown in her way.

Cynics will protest that this system obviously has no interest in quality patient care and seeks only to maximize revenue. If that’s so, is it really true that a board-certified MD is the most efficient labor source for keyboarding data into a computer, filling out paper forms, and doing all the other busy-work tasks that Dr. Ofri had to juggle? Can anyone really believe that this management structure supports either quality care orefficient resource use?

If the management of U.S. hospitals was severely understaffed or underpaid, then we could perhaps forgive such lapses. But we know that while the growth of physicians in the U.S. has been slow, the number of administrators has grown by leaps and bounds [The number of health care managers increased by 726% from 1983-2000 while physician numbers increased by 39%, look here - Ed]  . And we know that at least at the high end, these managers are paid munificent sums, and are lauded for their supposed genius (look here for example). 

So we appear to have a system that is slowly (in some cases rapidly) driving the best doctors out of practice, and yet somehow imagines that everything is going all right and there’s no problem—or if there’s a problem, it’s those whining doctors.

All us medical educators know that when we ask the first-year class how may of them have been told by practicing physicians that they’re making a big mistake coming to medical school, the majority will raise their hands. Yet the managers of America’s health systems apparently believe that they can go on demoralizing good practitioners and nothing bad will happen.

This may sound as if I am saying that health care managers are all evil people, but that’s an unfair characterization. These folks are simply trying to do what our society tells them. As I explained some time ago, most of our popular and political discourse has been captured by a belief system that can be variously called neoliberalism, market fundamentalism, or economism. The ideology can be summarized as a quasi-religious faith in the so-called “free market,” steadfast opposition to government regulation of the market, and opposition to just about any form of taxes (for more on the nature of economism, look here.)

Among other things, this ideology teaches us that everything important in our society can be accurately captured in objective measures of “productivity” and “efficiency.”  [This is akin to the "shareholder value" theory of management (look here), or "financialization." - Ed]  Once one has mastered the basic concepts taught in MBA school, there’s no need to learn anything about health care and what makes it a unique activity; there’s no basic difference between providing health care and flipping burgers at McDonalds or making widgets. [We have called this generic management. - Ed.]. And so we get the crazy style of management well documented on this blog, not because of personal nastiness or ill will, but due to the ideological Kool-Aid everyone has been drinking for several decades now.

Today’s physicians seem to be like the proverbial frog being boiled in the pot of water because the heat was turned up so gradually the frog never figured out it needed to jump. [That is, they are suffering from "learned helplessness." - Ed] Dr. Ofri herself seems to represent a typical frog. Why? Perhaps it’s the style of the blog or op-ed writer to start off with a downer and then try to end on an upbeat note. Or perhaps it’s the natural physician’s tendency to stay away from policy questions. I’m not sure.

After starting us off with this hard-hitting description of a dysfunctional system, Dr. Ofri ends by opining that things are going to be better in the future because more women are entering medicine and because today’s medical students are more tech savvy. She gives herself credit for managing to forge a bond with the patient because they sat together and faced this adversity. She cites an upbeat study, when asked what was the most satisfying aspect of medical practice, the number one answer was relationships with patients. This is what keeps us going on even the most trying of days.”

Dr. Ofri gets full credit for remembering the importance of relationships, and feels that she bonded more firmly with her patient because they went through all this together. How about a word, though, about the people behind the curtain, who are responsible for all that she and her patient had to go through, and who don’t seem to have a clue how bad it is and what it all means? 

Dr Howard Brody

Daily Blog #37: Web 2.0 Forensics Part 2

Hello Reader,
             Sunday Funday is always fun for me for two reasons. One it gets me two blog posts out of one so I get more time to get work done and two I like getting a general feeling of what level of understanding exists on certain artifacts. So while you get a prize, that I strive to make worth your effort, I get to see what I can continue to help you learn by writing additional blog posts to fill those gaps. With that said we are continuing the web 2.0 series today that I realized was needed from the IEF Sunday Funday challenge two weeks ago.

Json Data Structures

Json data structures are fairly easy to find, they are structure name pairs that are exchanged between the web server and the web client, for instance the Gmail server and the Chrome browser. In this example the Chrome browser would then parse the data to generate the view that you see.

Here is what a message summary from your Gmail inbox looks like:

Index data for gmail

Email from/subject/message preview and date
,"\u003cspan class\u003d\"yP\" email\u003d\"mail-noreply@google.com\" name\u003d\"Gmail Team\"\u003eGmail Team\u003c/span\u003e","\u0026raquo;\u0026nbsp;","Welcome to the new Gmail inbox","Hi David Meet the new inbox Inbox tabs put you back in control with simple organization so that you",0,"","","10:35 am","Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 10:35 AM",1375198584460000,,[]

Here is what a full message loaded and what the email header looks like:








    Gmail Team





10:35 AM (36 minutes ago)

img class="f T-KT-JX" src="images/cleardot.gif" alt="">

to me 

This is followed by the  body of the message.In addition on each page you have a listing of all the labels, email counts, circles and more data that is preloaded to each page providing you with a large amount of data on your custodians activities but also providing for a large amount of duplicates.

Tomorrow we will go into the important fields and their meanings and I'll provide a regex for carving them out. Recovering webmail used to be simple, just find a javascript library known to the service and carve out the html before and after it, now with JSON/Ajax services like Gmail we get fragments of emails and possibly entire messages but we either have to manually carve them or use a tool like IEF to do it for us.

I start with IEF and let find the fully formed messages and then go back myself to find partials knowing the users email address.

See you tomorrow! Leave comments or questions below if your seeing data differently. I'm going to install fiddler on my system tonight to show how the data looks as its being transmitted.

Teka-Teki Trypophobia, sebagai Penyakit Mental yang Mengerikan

Trypophobia adalah
sebuah ketakutan yang tinggi terhadap lubang kecil yang banyak atau bentuk
asimetris, dan menyebabkan rasa gatal dan geli di seluruh tubuh, perasaan
menjadi tidak nyaman, bahkan beberapa kasus menyebabkan Penderita Trypophobia
dan menurunkan nafsu makan. Penyakit yang dalam bidang
medis sebenarnya tidak ada, jua akan merasa takut ketika melihat sarang lebah
madu, terumbu

cara membuat contact us di blog

cara membuat contack us di blog

  Dua hari yang lalu tips blogger sudah berbagi tips tentang bookmark dofollow terbaik dari google dan masih dalam perbahasan blog tapi kali ini tips blogger akan berbagi tentang cara membuat contact us di bagian laman blog,
Banyak manfaat yang bisa kita ambil dari memasang contact us di blog salah satunya apa bila pengunjung ingin mengirim email bisa lewat contact us. bagaimana cara membuatnya?berikut langkah demi-langkahnya.

menambahkan formulir kontak di sidebar

  Untuk menambahkan di bagian laman, yang pertama sahabat  harus lakukan ialah menambahkan formulir kontak dulu di sidebar dan nantinya kita akan hapus dan tinggal di area laman saja.

bagaimana caranya menambahkan formulir kontak di sidebar?

  Pertama sahabat login di akun blogger kemudian klik tata letak dan pilih gadget lainya kemudian tambahkan formulir kontak baru. Selanjutnya isi judul dengan conact us untuk mempermudah penghapusan di html kemudian klik save.

  sebetulnya di tahap ini sahabat sudah menembahkan kontak di area sidebar tetapi seperti judul di atas bahwa kita memindahkan kontak ke area laman blog bagaimana caranya next di lanjut.

cara menambahkan contact us di laman blog

cara membuat contact us di blog

keterangan gambar di atas

  • Pertama sahabat buka laman selanjutnya pilih laman baru dan pilih laman kosong dan isi entri  dengan contact us atau hubungi kami, Kemudian sahabat copy code di bawah ini dan pastekan di area html bukan are compose, Kemudian klik tafsirkan html yang di ketik,selanjutnya publikasikan.
  • Sebetulnya di tahap ini sahabat sudah mempunyai contact us di area laman, Tetapi masih ada dua di laman dan di sidebar. Dan untuk menghilangkan di area sidebar agar lebih cantik penampilan blog mari simak cara menghilangkan formulir kontak di sidebar.
copy dan pastekan di area html

<form name='contact-form'>
<div>Your Name : </div>
<input class='contact-form-name' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-name' name='name' size='30' type='text' value=''/>
<div>Your Email: <em>(required)</em></div>
<input class='contact-form-email' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-email' name='email' size='30' type='text' value=''/>
<div>Your Message: <em>(required)</em></div>
<textarea class='contact-form-email-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-email-message' name='email-message' rows='5'></textarea>
<input class='contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-submit' type='button' value='Send'/>
<div style='text-align: center; max-width: 450px; width: 100%'>
<p class='contact-form-error-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-error-message'></p>
<p class='contact-form-success-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-success-message'></p>

menghapus formulir kontak di sidebar

cara membuat contact us di blog

keterangan gambar di atas

  • Untuk menghapus formulir kontak di sidebar sahabat harus masuk di area html,caranya pertama sahabat masuk di area dasbor kemudian klik template,kemudian klik edit html dan klik lompat ke widget

tahap terakhir menghapus formuir kontak

cara membuat contact us di blog

keterangan gambar di atas

  • selanjutnya sahabat cari judul gadget yang sahabat buat tadi contact us selanjutnaya sahabat hapus kode mulai dari
<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
    <h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>

  • sampai dengan code
          <p class='contact-form-success-message' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;_contact-form-success-message&quot;'/>

  • hingga hasilnya seperti  di bawah ini
<b:section-contents id='sidebar-right-1'>
  <b:widget id='ContactForm1' locked='false' title='Contact Form' type='ContactForm'>
    <b:includable id='main'>
  <b:include name='quickedit'/>

  • dan yang terakhir klik save.
 Beberapa langkah telah kita lewati untuk membuat contact us di blog mudah mudahan bermanfaat dan ahir wassalam.

Bayi Kembar Siam

Bayi Kembar Siam -  Kembar siam merupakan kondisi anak atau bayi kembar yang tubuh kedua bayi menyatu. Hal ini dapat terjadi jika zigot dari bayi kembar identik gagal untuk terpisah dengan sempurna. Munculnya kasus kembar dempet atau kembar siam diperkirakan 1 kemunkinan dalam 200.000 kelahiran. Dan yang dapat bertahan hidup diperkirakan antara 5 persen dan 25 persen, serta kebanyakan (75 persen)

[BodrexJuaranyaCepat] Bodrex, Jawaban Atas Segala Keluhan Sakit Kepala

Espilen Blog - Sakit kepala merupakan penyakit yang sangat umum di kalangan masyarakat, hampir semua orang pasti pernah mengalami yang namanya sakit kepala. Namun, tidak semua orang berhasil mengatasi rasa sakit kepalanya dengan waktu yang cepat. Mengapa? Karena sebagian besar dari mereka salah dalam memilih obat sakit kepala yang tepat.

Ilustrasi: Sakit Kepala

Seharusnya, yang mereka pilih adalah Bodrex, juaranya juaranya cepat dalam mengatasi sakit kepala. Sesuai dengan judul diatas, Bodrex mampu menjawab segala keluhan sakit kepala yang dialami oleh seseorang, baik sakit kepala sebelah (migrain), maupun jenis sakit kepala lainnya.

Pengalamanku Bersama Bodrex
Suatu hari pada saat diriku masih duduk di bangku kelas 1 SMP, Aku sedang bersiap-siap untuk berangkat ke sekolah, namun tiba-tiba saja entah mengapa, kepalaku sangat pusing dan Aku meringis kesakitan. Lalu, Aku meminta tolong kepada ibuku yang ketika itu sedang berada di dapur, "Ibu... Ibu..", teriakku kepada ibuku. "Kenapa kamu..?", jawab ibuku. "Kepalaku pusing bu, tak kuat..."

Lalu, ibuku bergegas pergi ke warung untuk membeli sebuah obat. Dan Aku minumlah obat tersebut yang ternyata bernama Bodrex. Akhirnya, sekitar 5 - 10 menit rasa pusing ku hilang. Alhamdulillah begitu senangnya diriku, Aku pun bisa berangkat ke sekolah dengan nyaman. Sejak itu pula, Aku mulai mempercayai Bodrex sebagai obat yang wajib Aku minum ketika Aku sakit kepala. Terima kasih Bodrex

Jenis-Jenis Bodrex
Nah, setelah membahas tentang pengalamanku bersama Bodrex. Alangkah baiknya sekarang kita mengenal lebih dekat Bodrex dengan mengenal jenis-jenis obat Bodrex yang harus kita minum agar sesuai dengan jenis sakit kepala yang kita alami. Berikut adalah jenis-jenis Bodrex.

Bodrex Migra
Bodrex Migra
  • Tiap kaplet Bodrex Migra mengandung Parasetamol 350 mg, Propifenazon 150 mg, dan Kofein 50 mg. Propifenazon dan paracetamol merupakan kombinasi analgetik yang ampuh meringankan rasa sakit kepala.

Bodrex Flu dan Batuk 
Bodrex, Jawaban Atas Segala Keluhan Sakit Kepala
Bodrex Flu dan Batuk
  • Bodrex jenis ini mengandung Paracetamol 500 mg, Pseudoephedrine HCl 30 mg, Glyceryl Guaiacolate 50 mg, dan Bromhexine HCl 8 mg sehingga mampu meredakan gejala flu yang kita alami seperti demam, dan hidung tersumbat.

Bodrex Extra
Bodrex, Jawaban Atas Segala Keluhan Sakit Kepala
Bodrex Extra
  • Tiap tablet bodrex extra mengandung 350 mg parasetamol yang dikombinasikan dengan 200 mg ibuprofen  dan 50 mg kafein. ‘Bodrex extra’ adalah merek obat yang memposisikan diri sebagai obat untuk meredakan sakit kepala. Pemakaian bodrex ekstra berfungsi sebagai pereda sakit, antipiretik atau pereda demam, juga efektif sebagai anti radang, misalnya untuk radang pada nyeri gigi dan nyeri reumatik. 

Bodrex Demam 
Bodrex Demam
  • Tiap tablet lapis dua mengandung  Parasetamol 600 mg, Kofein 50 mg. Kandungan Parasetamol yang bekerja sebagai analgesik dapat meredakan sakit kepala, sakit gigi. Parasetamol juga bekerja sebagai antipiretik untuk menurunkan demam.
Apa Saja Kelebihan Bodrex?

1. Bodrex Memiliki Komposisi Yang Tepat
Bodrex secara nyata memiliki komposisi yang tepat dalam hal mengatasi sakit kepala. Karena, setiap kaplet Bodrex mengandung Parasetamol 350 mg, Propifenazon 150 mg, dan Kofein sebesar 50 mg yang berfungsi sebagai kombinasi analgetik atau meringankan rasa sakit.

2. Bodrex Aman Diminum Kapan Saja
Uniknya dari obat Bodrex adalah aman diminum kapan saja. Jadi, tanpa harus makan terlebih dahulu kita dapat meminum Bodrex dan pastinya aman bagi tubuh. Menyenangkan bukan? Hal ini sangat berguna bagi Anda, bila sedang sakit kepala namun belum makan.

3. Bodrex Berpengalaman Dalam Bidangnya
Bodrex telah bertahun-tahun menemani masyarakart Indonesia dalam mengatasi problema sakit kepala. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa Bodrex telah berpengalaman dalam bidangnya, sehingga tak perlu diragukan lagi kualitas dari obat Bodrex.

Survei Membuktikan, Bodrex No. 1
Bodrex, Jawaban Atas Segala Keluhan Sakit Kepala
Kepercayaan Masyarakat Terhadap Bodrex
Berbicara tentang penghargaan ataupun kepercayaan masyarakat, Bodrex telah beberapa kali mendapatkan award. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan survei yang pernah dilakukan oleh survei Indonesia Original Brand yang dilakukan di 6 kota besar yakni Bandung, Jabodetabek, Medan, Semarang, Surabaya, dan Makassar yang meliputi 5312 koresponden sebagai pemenang Indonesia Original Brand 2013.

Bodrex adalah jawaban atas segala keluhan sakit kepala. Minum Bodrex, sakit kepala hilang, kerjaan lancar...

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