Before Dr. William Davis' name became synonymous with the elusive* Wheat Belly, he was well known for his subscription Track Your Plaque website. This website currently charges $90 (all prices rounded) for the first year with yearly renewals at $72, for the basic membership ... more for shorter "contracts". That's just the membership fee, that basically affords you discounts on various TYP products such as your Basic Membership Kit for $70 (reg. $110) or a Supplement Kit for $175 (reg. $215) or the testing kit for a cool $530 (reg. $570). In the marketplace you can purchase all manner of testing supplies, etc.
Now Davis is a huge backer of Jimmy Moore's Cholesterol Clarity book. He contributed to it as an expert, provided an Editorial Review for and, as if that weren't enough, offered up a glowing 5 Star review on same, entitled Cholesterol bashing at its finest. In it he writes:
Uninfluenced by them, but influenced by profiteers and profiteers in their own right nonetheless.Widely-held beliefs, many of them propagated by "official" agencies like the FDA, USDA, American Heart Association, Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition, American Diabetes Association, etc., are crumbling under the scrutiny of informed people uninfluenced by the pharmaceutical industry, agribusiness, or the excessive profiteering ways of modern "healthcare."